Event Detail

Retreats :: Online Advanced Gathering also Paul Muller :: Retreat
Online Winter Meditation Gathering with Paul Muller-Ortega
12:00 PM
Online via Zoom
Online Winter Meditation Gathering with Paul Muller-Ortega Description:
Online Meditation Gathering
For Practitioners of Neelakantha Meditation
February 21-23, 2025; Continuing Deeper February 24-27

Through our practice of Neelakantha Meditation, we are engaged in such a beautiful, strong and subtle enterprise of growth and alignment. The power of Grace acts upon us and calls us to this practice, these teachings and this lineage stream. Join Paul Muller-Ortega for three or more powerful days of deep practice and exploration of the beautiful, high and liberative path of the ??kta-S?aiva tradition, and to share your strength, your integrity and your dedication to profound s?dhan?.

Immerse in a deeper engagement with your s?dhan? through meditation, satsang and an array of accompanying practices, including delving into the sublime practice of Soma Man?d?ala Abhy?sa - a formal sequence that is fundamental to advanced practice and the acceleration of s?dhan?. When you take this opportunity to create the space and time within your own home, or other dedicated setting, powerful experiences of deepened study and insight yield an increasingly profound inner experience of Consciousness and the discovery of the mysterious Heart of all Reality.

Continuing Deeper
February 24-27, 2025

Dedicate four additional days to continued deepening with Soma Ma?dala Abhy?sa and other exalted practices.
- Regular practice of Neelakantha Meditation for a minimum of 2 years
- Full participation February 21-23

Write to svatantrastudy@gmail.com for more information.
Click For Info
Age Group: Enrolled Students
Venue: Online via Zoom
Address: Any Any City, Any State 93108
Phone: N/A

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